Fender Black Maple

Fender Black Maple
Based on looks do you think a maple or rosewood neck loocks better on guitar?

I think maple looks better you?

ALSO what color do you like on a strat. I like classic black.

Anyways thats what im getting in a few months, a black fender american standard startocaster with a maple neck.

Personally, I’m more of a fan of Rosewood, i think it’s got a more subtle but intricate beauty to it. But It also depends on the rest of the guitar and I think that what style you are playing on the guitar has a lot to do with its looks too. {Hence, like B.C. Rich being the “Metal” guitar, etc.}

On a Stratocaster, I’m a HUGE fan of the Midnight Wine and 3-Color Sunburst since Stevie Ray Vaughan played mostly on those 2 colors; however, mine has the Classic Black as well. It’s a very sharp color once it’s on-stage.

[affmage source=”cj” results=”50″]Fender Black Maple[/affmage]